I’m sure many of you are putting the finishing touches on your NaNoWriMo novels, and we here at Middle Grade Mafia want to say congratulations and best of luck!
With all of that writing, you might have missed the news that #Pitmad is happening December 4th. What is #pitmad? Let’s let Brenda Drake explain:
#PitMad is a pitch party on Twitter where writers tweet a 140 character pitch for their completed manuscripts. The agents/publishers will tweet their submission preferences and favorite your tweet if they want to see more.
For all the rules and how it works, visit Brenda’s site HERE.
You are supposed to limit your tweet pitches to twice per hour per manuscript, but there is nothing that says your friends or FAMILY can’t retweet your pitches, capisce? Leave us a comment with your twitter handle and be sure to follow us at @midgrademafia and we’ll be on the lookout for you in our feed. It’s the least we can do for our associates.
This sounds really interesting. Thanks so much for the info. 🙂
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