The Inn Between by Marina Cohen

The Inn Between is middle-grade horror at its best. Cohen masterfully builds suspense without gimmicks, all while keeping an honest middle-grade voice.

The story is engaging, clues to what is going on intriguing, and tension, as strong as you choose to make it. It all depends on your imagination. Readers need not leave the lights on. Parents need not worry for their children. The story does not have monsters or unnecessary violence in it. It is a compelling tale with enough layers to suit all ages. Of course, some will figure out what is happening early on. Others will keep wondering until the end. One thing is for certain. All will keep reading. This is a page- turner that begs to be read in one sitting.

While there is discussion of the serious subjects of death and dying, there is also discussion of friendship, family, and forgiveness. All are handled well for the middle-grade reader.

Many review this book with spoilers. I won’t. Do yourself a favor and read it without them. Enjoy the puzzle and marvel at how all the pieces come together. I will only say this: when Quinn and Kara who have sworn to be friends forever take a road trip with Kara’s family, they end up in a spooky old hotel where forever takes on new meaning. The girls engineer their escape, but getting away may be harder than they think.

The Inn Between is powerful and thought provoking. It is a must read.