I am always on the lookout for resource books that can help me find that right word or phrase that will convey the exact tone in a scene. In the past, I have shared a few of my favorites, but last week I discovered a new one to sit on my desk for quick reference.
The Emotion Thesaurus is filled with a variety of emotions and provides writers with physical signals, internal sensations, mental responses, and cues for suppressed and long term experience with that emotion. The suggestions provided by the authors cover a range of each emotion from mild to extreme.
When writing, I can usually get into the head of my characters and convey their emotional response to the reader, but when editing, I find that I tend to express these responses in similar ways. With this book at my side, I can quickly vary the response and provide variation to how the different characters experience an emotion.
So, whether you are looking for the right body language for your character’s disgust or express suppressed paranoia, I highly recommend this book to add to your writing toolkit.
Click here to buy now!
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