Just released in March, Tangled in Time: The Portal is a magical adventure into the life of English royalty in the 1500s. After a personal tragedy in her current-day life, Rose Ashley travels through a mysterious portal in her grandmother’s greenhouse to the time of King Henry VIII. Although living 500 years in the past has its own challenges, the time travel is an escape from the pain of losing her mother and dealing with the ‘mean queens’ at school.
The story switches back and forth from present day to 500 years in the past. Rose goes from texting her friends and posting on her fashion blog to being a house servant for Princess Elizabeth and playing games with Prince Edward. The portal is not just an escape but a place that holds clues into Rose’s past and the true identity of her family.
The reader also learns fascinating details about the 1500s including rich descriptions of the amazing wardrobes and interesting facts like they only wash their clothes once every three months. With a diverse cast of characters, this book is the perfect story for any middle-grade girl.
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