Faced with the impossible choice of saving the last dragon in Kievan Rus or her family from an anti-Semitic magistrate, 11-year-old Anya chooses to be brave and stand up against the misconceptions of an entire village to do what is right.

Pasternack does an amazing job building a rich world for her story of Jewish traditions, Russian folklore, and a host of magical creatures that will satisfy any reader’s appetite. The story takes place in 10th century Russia,  but Anya is very relatable and is a great role model for kids who are confronted with pressure to conform.

Anya’s adventure could teach many of us today about compassion for those who are different than us and to look past our preconceived notions about what we think we know and discover the heart and humanity we all share.

Beyond the stunning cover, Pasterack’s fast-paced adventure is a great read for any upper elementary to middle school age reader. Also, if you love magical creatures, the dragon character is one you wont soon forget. Add this one to your read list!

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