Let’s celebrate World Oceans Day!
The United Nations has designated Wednesday June 8th as World Oceans Day to raise awareness of the need to preserve our most valuable natural resource. Join us in celebrating with these 3 amazing non-fiction books that are sure to capture the imagination of young readers.
Out of the Ocean by Debra Frasier- Dive into an amazing adventure that promises that looking for the ocean’s treasures is as important as finding them.
The Blue Wonder: Why the Sea Glows, Fish Sing, and Other Astonishing Insights From the Ocean by Frauke Bagusche- Join a marine biologist as she takes readers on a deep-dive into the ocean to investigate mysteries and beauty.
Secrets of the Sea: The Story of Jeanne Power, Revolutionary Marine Scientist by Evan Griffith- Be inspired by the drive of this nineteenth-century woman scientist who revolutionized science when she built glass tanks to study the ocean and ended up inventing the aquarium.
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