Writing Historical Fiction for Young Readers
Writing historical fiction can be both rewarding and challenging at the same time. How do you write a story that captivates kids and teaches them a subject most have no interest in? The trick is to make the history lesson so subtle that readers are [...]
Nerdy or Not, Check out NFFest.com
Whether you’re nerdy or not, this fabulous free Nonfiction writing crash course organized by NF Chicks is worth your time. Every day in February, there’s a blog posted by an experienced nonfiction children’s writer. You might be thinking, “but I don’t write nonfiction,” and I [...]
What do Middle Schoolers WANT to Read? An Interview with a School Counselor.
Middle school students are assigned readings all the time, but when given a choice (and not distracted by other forms of electronic media) what books do they want to read? What speaks to them; inspires them; entertains them? Barbara Truluck is a middle school counselor and recipient [...]
From The Stacks: An Interview with Jennifer Lewis
Middle Grade Mafia reads a lot of books and we think we have good taste in children’s literature, but what do we know? We’re adults. Children’s books are supposed to appeal to children. We wanted to know what kids like to read and why .From [...]