Mo Writing: Book Review: Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts by Matt Bell
If writing a novel is hard, revising it is harder. Congratulations, you've completed your first draft. Now what do you do? Take a break and spend a little time with Matt Bell. This is an honest and practical book that will guide your revision process. [...]
Mo Writing: A Writer’s Permission Slip
You hereby have permission to write badly today. That is, as long as you write something. Anything. Anything at all. On topic, off topic, no topic. Just write. Go for it. Write as poorly as you can. Seriously, aim for the absolute bottom of the [...]
Mo Writing: When Similes & Metaphors Work
Similes and metaphors can effectively enhance a character’s emotion, personality trait, or even describe a precarious situation. Better yet, used when there's a quiet moment when the character reveals a truth about themselves. But figurative language can also be a crutch to adding a description [...]
MG Tool Kit: Words to Write By: Celebrate Roald Dahl Day September 13, 2021
September 13th is Roald Dahl Day. Did you know his book Matilda is full of helpful advice for writers? Here are 5 favorite quotes from Matilda providing wise advice. “Never do anything in halves. Go the whole hog. Make sure everything you do is so completely [...]
A Chat with Rochelle Melander about MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD
Calling all writers, aspiring writers, and writing teachers out there! Rochelle Melander’s upcoming book Mightier Than the Sword will release on July 27th and is a collection of over 40 biographies of people whose written work have influenced our world. Middle Grade Mojo chatted with Rochelle [...]
A Chat with Chris Negron about THE LAST SUPER CHEF
Middle Grade Mojo loved Chris Negron’s new book The Last Super Chef. We had to know, is he a super chef? Middle Grade Mojo: The level of detail in the cooking scenes is remarkable. Are you a super chef yourself, or is it all researched [...]