A Chat with Chris Negron about THE LAST SUPER CHEF
Middle Grade Mojo loved Chris Negron’s new book The Last Super Chef. We had to know, is he a super chef? Middle Grade Mojo: The level of detail in the cooking scenes is remarkable. Are you a super chef yourself, or is it all researched [...]
Interview with Erin Entrada Kelly about her newest book!
Erin Entrada Kelly was recently awarded a Newbery Honor for We Dream of Space and she won the Newberry Medal in 2018 with Hello, Universe. Middle Grade Mojo was honored to get to chat with her new early middle grade novel Maybe, Maybe, Marisol Rainey [...]
Interview with Aileen Weintraub, author of We Got Game
We’re so excited to talk to Aileen Weintraub, the author of more than 50 books for children. Her newest book, We Got Game: 35 Female Athletes Who Changed the World releases on May 4th. Middle Grade Mojo: You’ve written many other nonfiction books for kids [...]
Mo Writing – How I Got My Agent
I’ll never forget my first rejection. I submitted twelve queries to prospective agents for a middle-grade novel that I was convinced would amaze the entire children’s publishing industry. After all, I'd spent two years doing my homework, attending conferences, meeting with a critique group, and [...]
The Benefits of a Critique Group and How to Find One
Writing is a solitary occupation. Many hours are spent listening to characters speak in your mind, choosing the right words, and analyzing everything that goes down on paper or a Word document. A critique group is a group of writers who can make the job [...]
Author Interview with Erin Entrada Kelly
As part of her launch of WE DREAM OF SPACE, the Mojo have been featuring Erin Entrada Kelly with her The Mojo Minute and now we are lucky to have her "sit" down with us and answer a few questions. Middle Grade Mojo: We all [...]